Bon Lam

Bon's  family is from Cambodia.  His family's land was seized during the  Vietnam War,    they are from Bien Phuoc.  Bon is the youngest living child in his family.
Bon was born with Lymphovenous Malformation on his left side of his face.  His life was extraordinarily hard because of his facial deformity. His mother would not breast feed him and his father tried to kill him,
but God had different plans for Bon.

After Bon's father died,  Chi Hoang (Monk) took this eight year old child to the Monks in Saigon for help.  The Monks  arranged for surgery to remove the mass from Bon's face.  After his surgery Bon went to a Catholic Orphanage.  (we call, Sister Paula's) Sister Paula was the Superior Nun who was in charge of the orphanage while Bon lived there.  After much suffering in his face, Sister Paula arranged for the hospital to perform surgery to help alleviate the pain...
they cut the nerve endings.

Here in America, Bon has had three surgeries from Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN. We give much thanks for the surgery and hospital stay that Mayo Clinic donated.

Due to the grave health issues regarding his mother, Bon had gone back to Vietnam to help care for her needs.  He is willing to put his mother's needs before his own.
Bon came to America as a boy and left a man.
We are very proud of this young man.

After the death of his mother, Bon has now returned to America to continue with his medical treatments. (2012) Dr. Schmidt from Rhinelander, WI is providing treatment for Bon's with his teeth and jaw problems.

After the realignment of his teeth, Bon will once again go for surgery.  At this time the surgeons will remove his jaw, reshape, reattach and work on his face.  This procedure will take between 10 to 12 hours. 

We ask for your prayers for Bon, as he needs so much medical treatments.  We ask that you pray for his surgery to go well, and the surgeon's hands are true.  We  ask for help financially as the Dr. Schmidt's bill is over $7,000.00 and then we have the cost of travel, and other expenses while Bon is in the hospital.  We also pray for Bon's recovery to be successful.

We give thanks to God for bringing this young boy into our lives as he is a blessing to our house and family. We give thanks to God for all the donated services thus far and his continued guidance for Bon's care.

While in the U.S. Bon has helped with many fundraisers, speaking to others about his life and how he survived.  He also has helped with a Spagetti Dinner fundraiser and raffle ticket sales. 
He is always smiling and willing to lend a helping hand.

Bon is a very grateful, loving boy. His wish is to
"be helping others, as others have helped me."
Father Chi  (Catholic Priest)
with some of his orphans
Sister Paula with Bon
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