To procure and distribute corporate surplus food and goods to help fight poverty, hunger and disease in rural communities in the United States for those with low resources and in crisis through churches, food shelves and other local civic groups organizations.
Ruby's Pantry is "a hand up, not a hand out."
By donating $20 to help cover the operational cost, guests receive an abundance of food, often will leave with over $100 worth of groceries. Ruby's Pantry has no government funding, is primarily funded by the contributions of our guests.
When attending Sunshine For Humanity distribution, you are truly a guest in this ministry. Please bring cash to help to simplify bookkeeping and two large boxes or laundry baskets. We do not sell food!
When you arrive for the first time you will need to register and then sign in.
This is a simple registration that requires no documentation. After the first time you will need to simply sign in. The $20 is paid first, then your registration form is handed in and you will be given a number.Then you will wait until your number is called and you will go through a line where the food is then placed in your boxes. Although you aren't required to take anything that you do not want we encourage you to take it and share with your family members, neighbors and friends.

We want to welcome St. Mary's of the Snow Anglican Church and The Rock Mission Center as sponsors of Ruby's Pantry.  They graciously allow us the use of their facilities.
St. Mary's of the Snow Anglican Church
The Rock Mission Center
1019 E. Wall St.
Eagle River,WI 54521
Time: 10am -12:30pm
Every 4th Saturday of the Mont
Sept. 27, Oct. 25